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Ensuring Safe Food for our Babies

One of the pleasures and challenges of having a baby in your life is figuring out how to provide healthy foods. The transition to solid...

The 7 Sensory Systems

What do you mean there are 7 senses?? I only know about 5! You’re right, there are 5 primary senses and 2 additional ones which are...

The Importance of Nutrition

There a so many different diets out there with various benefits depending on what your body needs. Each method has a place, and this post...

Let's Get ABSolutely Strong!

As grown ups, we’ve all heard about the importance of core strength. It helps prevent and decrease back pain. It helps improve posture....

The Importance of Sleep

Sleep is a wonderful thing, it represents a time of rest and reset, a time to escape the world, a time when your toddler is napping, and...

The Science Behind Sensory Processing

Everyone has neurochemicals in their brain. Neurochemicals are chemicals released between brain cells (i.e. neurons) that serve as...

Snow in September!?

Welcome to Colorado! Here are some ideas to try to make adjusting from 90 degrees to 30 degrees a little bit easier! Inside ideas: Step...

Sensory Processing: What is it?

While the answer to this question can be complex and technical, there is always a way to make it understandable to everyone. Sensory...

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